Parts Service
Morris offers a comprehensive parts service for both Morris and non-Morris handling equipment. All parts are original Morris, Morris approved or tailor-made by our own engineers specifically to your requirements.

Breakdown and Repair
Morris offers a rapid response service designed to minimise expensive downtime. On-site repairs by trained engineers and comprehensive workshop facilities allow Morris to provide the basis for a complete service.

Our comprehensive range of maintenance agreements allows you to select the ideal and most cost-effective level of support for the smooth running of your equipment, however basic or sophisticated.

Morris offers a modular range of courses enabling us to tailor-make a programme to meet customers individual needs. From Health and Safety to operator efficiency and maintenance and systems training, courses are available on-site or in the purpose designed Morris Institute.

Conversion, Modernisation & Upgrades
Morris support equipment for the whole of its effective life. Refurbishing existing equipment, modernising and upgrading it in line with your changing needs can extend its useful life for many years.